ohhhh my goodness..
we got crab rangoons and it actually opened my third eye. this shit changed me as a person. you are the most lovely malewife ever. idk what to say without sounding cheesy wtf!! i dont wanna sound like self dx bpd edater with relationship countdown doomsday clock in their carrd because we are not self dx bpds or edaters or do we have doomsdays clocks in our carrds. i love you so much. more than i dont even know. more than nothing. Ur so sweet and caring and u always smell so good and ur so warm and ik sometimes ur crusty but its okay. i forgive you. ur not like dirty smelly crusty. or else i wouldnt talk to you. you know how much i hate people who smell bad srsly. ur so cutr and ur smile is so radiant !!!!! also i feel so connectied to you more tha anyone else. that might be the austism but you just make me feel so safe and you understand me and that's why we r so close i think. i was working on different part of my neocities and you asked what it was and i just kept giving shitty avoidant answers cuz idgaf ab you seeing any other part of the neocities but id rather you not see this. (new!) god good god i love you so much. like no words can ever describe it, ever. no physical acions, nothing...............this is so embarassing. i want to sand your face off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so awk 4 me. love neocities forever for hosting this. this is so embarassing. anyways i literally love love love love love love love love love love love love love love you so much. i always look at you and im just liek OH MYGOD HOW ARE U SOOOO CUTE 🤞🤳😠LITERALLY RETWEET!!!! i axtually omgggg i have a lot more to say but they just float around in my head like the dvd thing. they never hit the corners. literally sorry. so sorry.
my biggest regret..